Who are people should be in charge for setting up a team and system for a massive reconstruction work? This was one of my discussions with Treena Wu click here last week. Treena is a Research Fellow from Maastricht Graduate School of Governance. Aceh reconstruction work is quite familiar for her. On December 2005 she had produced a paper 1) on shelter reconstruction work.
In the discussion I shared to her what I called the 3 Musketeers of Reconstruction. The presence of these three’s company is a must for a massive reconstruction work. They have to be on the ground to set up the reconstruction team. They have to see by them self the problem faced then decide the policies, methodologies and the strategies for the operations.
Program Manager
This person will determine what kind of program will be implemented. He has to decide the methodologies that affect in long term development for the beneficiaries. Based on his/her experience the program should be operated efficiently and in cost consciousness manner. In order to simplify the work, Program Manager has to provide templates which tailor made suit to working condition. The templates should provide guidelines for the team to understand if the project tends to fail and provide the remedial action. Since the project is time limited, Program Manager should design time line and milestones prior the commencement. Last but not least, the manager should establish the exit strategy. The strategy which assured the output of the operations will be worth for a long period.
Finance Manager
Disbursement of big amount of money is a common thing in a massive reconstruction work. The challenge is how we can safely distribute the money in widely devastated area where no banking systems. It means no bank transfer or payment through bank can be made. For example, paying labours and local supplier with cash amounted of 1 billion Rupiah need to be carried by 3 men with backpack. This complicated work is just one thing should be anticipate by developing a proper finance system. Setting up finance procedural and budgeting will be the earliest work when he/she arrives on the ground.
Human Resource Manager
It is not an easy work to have an experienced, smart and dedicated staff to join the team. The team should be blend of experience people which mostly from outside of the area and from the local one. Set up a fair HR rules which can support the staffs to perform their best and in the same time can protect the staff from malicious act, should be done prior recruiting.
Last Tuesday, Treena came to our office as an external evaluator from Christian Aid, one of HFHI’s donor. I mentioned to her that even there are templates for the work, the presence of these 3 people are needed to make judgment of the most practicable methodology. The 3 musketeers have to work as a team. They have to have a good coordination since the beginning, so they can provide a realistic guidance to the team.
1) Aceh-Nias Reconstruction Shelter Sector: Views from Beneficiaries and NGOs. Treena Wu. December 2005
Arwin Soelaksono - Disaster Response & reConstruction